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[Winner - TheGreatErenan!] Micro strategic starting unit tournament
01-03-2013, 07:23 PM (This post was last modified: 01-17-2013 10:17 PM by Lrimas.)
Post: #1
[Winner - TheGreatErenan!] Micro strategic starting unit tournament
Since the new season in Outwitters started, I've been left feeling slightly bored with it. That's when I decided to try something different, and the idea of the "strategic starting unit league" was born.

The first rule of the tournament is:
You are not allowed to build any units. You have to finish the game using only the starting units.

I have no idea if this will work, which is why I am going to keep the tournament as small as possible. 6-8 people max. This also has the advantage that everyone will be in the top 10 Smile

  1. If you build a unit, you lose the game unless your opponent agrees to a rematch. I'd like people to be considerate for how easy it can be to break this rule, but I don't want someone to abuse an automatic rematch by building a unit on a game they were about to lose.
  2. Any league rank is welcome. I'm fairly inactive, so it will be easy for me to remember that I'm not allowed to build units, but if you are playing a lot of friendly games it will be more difficult. Keep this in mind before signing up
  3. Everyone will play everyone else twice. Once as p1 and once as p2. This is to try to negate the advantage p1 might have.
  4. Try to remind your opponent each round that they are not allowed to build units. This might get repetitive, but it should help.
  5. Tournament to start on 10 January if we have a enough signups.
I'm still unsure what to do for maps. Right now I'm thinking of having the same map for each game (something like Long Nine that has a lot of starting units), to make things more fair and to make it easier to distinguish between these games and normal games, but I'm worried that will get boring. Any thoughts/suggestions are welcome.

I would also like to apologise in advance to Gfich for creating another tournament Smile. As you can see from the rules this will not be one for normal tournament players.

  • TheGreatErenan
  • Lrimas
  • !_elle_!
  • lugia77781
  • jakeyboy20
  • harvarnold

Results are here

Final Standings
  1. TheGreatErenan
  2. jakeyboy20
  3. Lrimas
  4. lugia77781
  5. !_elle_! & harvarnold
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[Winner - TheGreatErenan!] Micro strategic starting unit tournament - Lrimas - 01-03-2013 07:23 PM

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