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  Thread: Ban Sassygirl
Post: Ban Sassygirl

Has anyone else played with Sassygirl? She is so mean. Always cursing in the chat. Harassing all the players. ( 2 v 2 ). She is really making the playing experience less fun. Not the type of player we...
Admiral 77 Outwitters 104 187,955 07-31-2014, 03:33 PM
  Thread: Giving up so soon?
Post: RE: Giving up so soon?

@connor34911. I like the veggies. Been tearin it up with them. I'm sad that there won't be more content. Everyone buy all of the IAPs. Make it profitable for OML, and they will give us more.
Admiral 77 Outwitters 29 50,814 03-31-2013, 01:25 PM
  Thread: 3v3 Maps
Post: RE: 3v3 Maps

(01-09-2013 01:46 AM)Erenan Wrote:  on the fourth one here, I'm not really sure about all the spawns. Fourth map. Each person gets two spawn spaces. One on offense. One on defense. Idea is that...
Admiral 77 Outwitters 30 58,559 01-09-2013, 06:14 AM
  Thread: 3v3 Maps
Post: RE: 3v3 Maps

two new ones. let me know what you like/dislike about the different maps and ill include the input in new designs. thanks!!
Admiral 77 Outwitters 30 58,559 01-08-2013, 04:08 PM
  Thread: 3v3 Maps
Post: RE: 3v3 Maps

just added another map
Admiral 77 Outwitters 30 58,559 01-08-2013, 12:57 PM
  Thread: 3v3 Maps
Post: RE: 3v3 Maps

(01-08-2013 11:16 AM)Harti Wrote:  On a related note, a new version of the Map Creator is basically on its way. I'm currently preparing a few community functions as of now but the thing itself i...
Admiral 77 Outwitters 30 58,559 01-08-2013, 11:28 AM
  Thread: 3v3 Maps
Post: 3v3 Maps

Heres my idea for a 3v3 map Rules: -Only playable by clans (in essence clan battles) -Turn timer set to 24hrs per move (possibly shorter) central wits are basically king of the hill style. you get...
Admiral 77 Outwitters 30 58,559 01-08-2013, 11:00 AM
  Thread: Losing Interest...
Post: RE: Losing Interest...

I've been playing a lot of 2v2 lately. And it's really changed things up. Rising in the ranks reeeeeal fast!! Hardest part is being paired with a bad partner. Very difficult to carry your teammate and...
Admiral 77 Outwitters 23 45,008 01-07-2013, 06:17 AM
  Thread: Game balancing
Post: RE: Game balancing

Playing against all the teams is part of the strategy. If you think one team is the best, play as them... The teams are very well balanced overall.
Admiral 77 Outwitters 124 231,095 01-07-2013, 06:08 AM
  Thread: Losing Interest...
Post: RE: Losing Interest...

(12-06-2012 12:08 PM)RandyDogz Wrote:  2x2 is also an interesting change of pace. They tend to move a little slower, which sucks when you have the itch for a lot of outwitters, but really is a d...
Admiral 77 Outwitters 23 45,008 12-07-2012, 09:56 AM
  Thread: Why more players don't buy the Uber pack
Post: RE: Why more players don't buy the Uber pack

Don't get me wrong. I would love to see more content added to the game, but is it realistic to think more features are going to be added when the developers are already in the red on this project? Pro...
Admiral 77 Outwitters 29 52,732 12-07-2012, 09:51 AM
  Thread: How many wins to get promoted?
Post: RE: How many wins to get promoted?

I was promoted to Super Titan at 149 league wins, however that does include at least 30-35 2v2 wins. Possibly more. It was not during a long win streak either. In fact I had just lost a game, then won...
Admiral 77 Outwitters 10 18,158 12-05-2012, 06:21 PM
  Thread: Someone wrote an article about Outwitters being a financial flop
Post: RE: Someone wrote an article about Outwitters bein...

(12-02-2012 11:38 AM)Bluegodzill Wrote:  WHY ARE THERE SO MUCH D*** F2P HATERS? Outwitters is not your typical F2P game. Most of them rely on the premise of if you want to win, you have to pay...
Admiral 77 Outwitters 25 53,062 12-02-2012, 11:53 AM
  Thread: Losing Interest...
Post: RE: Losing Interest...

(12-02-2012 07:29 AM)Go Time Wrote:   (12-02-2012 06:40 AM)Random Task Wrote:  I am still on a steep learning curve. Agreed. Very steep!! Definitely changed things up. That's for sure. I...
Admiral 77 Outwitters 23 45,008 12-02-2012, 07:36 AM
  Thread: Losing Interest...
Post: RE: Losing Interest...

(12-02-2012 06:40 AM)Bluegodzill Wrote:  Yes, I like the game more than before. Without the 1+ wit per kill thing, outwitters would've became more stale to me. I will admit that many of my game...
Admiral 77 Outwitters 23 45,008 12-02-2012, 07:25 AM
  Thread: Losing Interest...
Post: RE: Losing Interest...

It's quite possible that I'm just experiencing some burnout and that a break is needed. So all in all you guys would say that you like the game more now than before ??
Admiral 77 Outwitters 23 45,008 12-02-2012, 06:09 AM
  Thread: Losing Interest...
Post: Losing Interest...

Before the the update, I was one of the many forum members that firmly opposed the idea of a +1 game mechanic. I was not part of the beta test so I was left to explore the new features upon release wi...
Admiral 77 Outwitters 23 45,008 12-02-2012, 05:28 AM
  Thread: OML's mistake with Outwitters.
Post: RE: OML's mistake with Outwitters.

(11-27-2012 12:20 PM)Necrocat219 Wrote:  It's certainly a fantastic game and I wish it was more successful but unfortunately it isn't a big a bit hit. Doesn't Outwitters have more users than He...
Admiral 77 Outwitters 13 21,484 11-28-2012, 02:48 AM
  Thread: Weekly Top 200 - 11/26/2012
Post: RE: Weekly Top 200 - 11/26/2012

(11-27-2012 10:12 AM)Necrocat219 Wrote:  I'm curious as to how long they'll keep the top 200 up Agreed!! I do a little developing myself and have all the app tracking software. So when the new ...
Admiral 77 Outwitters 23 42,239 11-27-2012, 11:12 AM
  Thread: Fighting the Bombshell matchup
Post: RE: Fighting the Bombshell matchup

(11-07-2012 09:14 AM)schelnig Wrote:  the best way, it seems, to defeat Scallywags would be to keep your opponent from saving the wits needed to spawn a bombshell. Agreed. The best way to comba...
Admiral 77 Outwitters 29 56,616 11-07-2012, 10:08 AM
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