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  Thread: The Super Epic Awesome Leetcrew (SEAL)!
Post: RE: The Super Epic Awesome Leetcrew (SEAL)!

In case anybody doesn't know, I, Butternut22, am Janreggie. I just have different usernames for my account here and my Gamecenter.
Butternut22 Outwitters 100 180,672 06-28-2013, 06:04 PM
  Thread: The Super Epic Awesome Leetcrew (SEAL)!
Post: RE: The Super Epic Awesome Leetcrew (SEAL)!

Hmm...I thought this clan broke apart (again). I guess not. Which SEAL members are still active? I haven't checked the forums for a while...
Butternut22 Outwitters 100 180,672 06-27-2013, 06:27 PM
  Thread: New Terrain Ideas
Post: RE: New Terrain Ideas

(03-19-2013 01:47 PM)bobolynx Wrote:  A square that increases a units vision by one or two squares would be interesting, and/or allowing vision over fow on that square Would it be like wit spac...
Butternut22 Outwitters 16 30,458 03-19-2013, 03:09 PM
  Thread: New Terrain Ideas
Post: RE: New Terrain Ideas

The secrets thing sounds amazing. I think a wit space would be better as a hidden hex. I mean, think how crazy a game could get with three spawns. That would be fun though... And I guess the sniper b...
Butternut22 Outwitters 16 30,458 03-16-2013, 12:34 PM
  Thread: New Terrain Ideas
Post: New Terrain Ideas

With the recent uproar of bramble posts, I thought it would be nice to get some creative juices flowing in the forums. So I was wondering, do any of you guys have any ideas for new terrains (hexes)? I...
Butternut22 Outwitters 16 30,458 03-16-2013, 11:48 AM
  Thread: Reaper is terrible
Post: RE: Reaper is terrible

Sure. How do post a picture from an iPad?
Butternut22 Outwitters 18 30,360 03-06-2013, 03:14 PM
  Thread: Reaper is terrible
Post: RE: Reaper is terrible

In general, right next to their base within the middle section of the map. I do have one game where the bombshell is located behind the top-right wooden pickets (or whatever it's called) which is two ...
Butternut22 Outwitters 18 30,360 03-06-2013, 12:12 PM
  Thread: Reaper is terrible
Post: RE: Reaper is terrible

Does anyone know a good strategy to counter a bombshell on reaper? Seriously. I can't figure out a way. I'm feedback if that helps.
Butternut22 Outwitters 18 30,360 03-05-2013, 04:38 PM
  Thread: The Super Epic Awesome Leetcrew (SEAL)!
Post: RE: The Super Epic Awesome Leetcrew (SEAL)!

A clan battle sounds cool. (Raises hand) PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME!!!
Butternut22 Outwitters 100 180,672 02-04-2013, 04:42 PM
  Thread: The Super Epic Awesome Leetcrew (SEAL)!
Post: RE: The Super Epic Awesome Leetcrew (SEAL)!

Can I join? I'm not that great and kind of on a losing streak (just can't seem to use that scrambler right) but I'll try my best to make sure this clan stays super, epic, awesome,
Butternut22 Outwitters 100 180,672 01-24-2013, 03:55 PM
  Thread: Placement Bug
Post: RE: Placement Bug

Yes, but they all finished before the second season started.
Butternut22 Outwitters 5 10,142 12-24-2012, 05:18 AM
Brick Thread: Placement Bug
Post: Placement Bug

Figuring that this wouldn't get much attention in the bug report thread, I decided to make a new thread. I just started some games that would place me in a division. If I'm correct, you're supposed to...
Butternut22 Outwitters 5 10,142 12-24-2012, 03:13 AM
  Thread: Android Support
Post: RE: Android Support

Oh, so it's mainly because of gamecenter. And to be clear, I didn't get rid of my itouch. It was being fixed and it took a LONG time. It's back though. Finally, I need outwitters in my life.
Butternut22 Outwitters 9 18,166 12-24-2012, 01:56 AM
  Thread: Android Support
Post: Android Support

Forgive me if there's already a thread about this, but I really think this game should have android support. I mean, this game is absolutely wonderful, but I can't play it anymore due to me not having...
Butternut22 Outwitters 9 18,166 12-21-2012, 04:20 PM
  Thread: Fluffy to Gifted Tournament - FINISHED
Post: RE: Fluffy to Gifted Tournament - ROUND 4

Um...I won't be able to be in this tournament anymore. Sorry. :(
Butternut22 Tournaments 293 596,208 12-08-2012, 12:25 PM
  Thread: Veggienauts Replay Thread
Post: RE: Veggienauts Replay Thread

outwitters://viewgame?id=ag5vdXR3aXR0ZXJzZ2FtZXIRCxIIR2FtZVJvb20YzoL8AQw Here's a game I played with veggienauts.
Butternut22 Outwitters 41 77,442 11-23-2012, 02:00 PM
  Thread: Fluffy to Gifted Tournament - FINISHED
Post: RE: Fluffy to Gifted Tournament - ROUND 3

Peekaboo P1-Butternut22 / Janreggie P2-g r c Win-Butternut22 / Janreggie outwitters://viewgame?id=ag5vdXR3aXR0ZXJzZ2FtZXIRCxIIR2FtZVJvb20YtszwAQw G r c let me start as P1 in both games. I'm pretty su...
Butternut22 Tournaments 293 596,208 11-15-2012, 02:17 PM
  Thread: Fluffy to Gifted Tournament - FINISHED
Post: RE: Fluffy to Gifted Tournament - ROUND 2 started

Foundry Janreggie / Butternut22 Hiren2 Janreggie / Butternut22 outwitters://viewgame?id=ag5vdXR3aXR0ZXJzZ2FtZXIRCxIIR2FtZVJvb20Y367oAQw
Butternut22 Tournaments 293 596,208 10-30-2012, 11:32 PM
  Thread: Fluffy to Gifted Tournament - FINISHED
Post: RE: Fluffy to Gifted Tournament - ROUND 2 started

Foundry Hiren2 Janreggie / Butternut22 Janreggie / Butternut22 outwitters://viewgame?id=ag5vdXR3aXR0ZXJzZ2FtZXIRCxIIR2FtZVJvb20Yl7XkAQw
Butternut22 Tournaments 293 596,208 10-29-2012, 02:20 PM
  Thread: Fluffy to Gifted Tournament - FINISHED
Post: RE: Fluffy to Gifted Tournament - ROUND 2 started

Yes. I and hiren2 have our games started.
Butternut22 Tournaments 293 596,208 10-28-2012, 01:17 AM
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