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  Thread: Quickest game ever?
Post: RE: Quickest game ever?

Reviving some fun: 6 moves, but starting as P2 outwitters://viewgame?id=ahRzfm91dHdpdHRlcnNnYW1lLWhyZHIVCxIIR2FtZVJvb20YgICA6Oj_kwoM
Spillblood Outwitters 31 64,789 12-03-2013, 04:50 PM
  Thread: BEING CHEATED? - read this first!
Post: RE: BEING CHEATED? - read this first!

outwitters://viewgame?id=ahRzfm91dHdpdHRlcnNnYW1lLWhyZHIVCxIIR2FtZVJvb20YgICAmIHBvAkM Leonyyyyy does it again. Can someone ban him already?
Spillblood Outwitters 366 792,573 12-03-2013, 04:28 PM
  Thread: Heavies to 4 Damage
Post: RE: Heavies to 4 Damage

(09-23-2013 05:42 PM)Fluffysox Wrote:  You just lose? In a game? What's your GC ID? About a week ago. Second GC account. the one with a lot of oinks. :angel:
Spillblood Outwitters 93 175,337 09-24-2013, 10:38 PM
  Thread: Did timeout length change?
Post: RE: Did timeout length change?

(09-23-2013 08:06 AM)HuskyPete Wrote:  They all just cleared. I shot up the ranks lol. FIXED!!!!! Thanks a load!!! LOL. My rank just shot up too. :D:heart:
Spillblood Outwitters 9 18,300 09-23-2013, 05:11 PM
  Thread: Unable to Play due to Inactives
Post: RE: Unable to Play due to Inactives

(12-31-2012 04:54 AM)kRaZyXmAn Wrote:  Just like to update that I've bought the uber pack, been promoted to clever league (and rising) and am enjoying the game much more now (<3 Feedback ) T...
Spillblood Outwitters 31 62,358 09-23-2013, 05:10 PM
  Thread: Heavies to 4 Damage
Post: RE: Heavies to 4 Damage

(09-23-2013 02:22 PM)Fluffysox Wrote:  Please further explain, I am stupid. Gosh, if you are stupid, and I just lost to you, that makes me a dimwit. :(
Spillblood Outwitters 93 175,337 09-23-2013, 04:46 PM
  Thread: 2v2 random: why it really sucks. A lot.
Post: RE: 2v2 random: why it really sucks. A lot.

Exploit, hack.. Tomato,tomahto... :P
Spillblood Outwitters 89 173,589 09-23-2013, 02:08 AM
  Thread: 2v2 random: why it really sucks. A lot.
Post: RE: 2v2 random: why it really sucks. A lot.

r2v2 can be a pain, but that's what so cool about it. The randomness of it. Sorry, phineas94, but I think that your 'invites' method is like a hack, ie, a sure fire method of recording 100% wins on r2...
Spillblood Outwitters 89 173,589 09-22-2013, 08:46 PM
  Thread: Did timeout length change?
Post: RE: Did timeout length change?

It's super irritating. This is a new thing. Never had so many expired games before the update. Can it be a hack?
Spillblood Outwitters 9 18,300 09-21-2013, 02:26 PM
  Thread: Bug Report Thread
Post: RE: Bug Report Thread

Hey, Gullsjakal, that's a gem of info there. Will try that. Thanks a load!! Drinks on me! :)
Spillblood Outwitters 1,142 2,460,387 08-26-2013, 11:44 PM
  Thread: BEING CHEATED? - read this first!
Post: RE: BEING CHEATED? - read this first!

(08-26-2013 10:06 PM)Gf!sh Wrote:  Something fishy is going on... Something fishy apart from Gf!sh using Chrome instead of Safari? :P There isn't a FireAaron08, Doodat. :/
Spillblood Outwitters 366 792,573 08-26-2013, 11:26 PM
  Thread: FTA fix for 2v2, PLEASE! (as in... well... you get the idea ;)
Post: RE: FTA fix for 2v2?

For sure FTA for 2v2 has to be fixed. There is just too much of an advantage for a well-organised attack coming from T1.
Spillblood Outwitters 30 59,953 08-26-2013, 04:51 PM
  Thread: Bug Report Thread
Post: RE: Bug Report Thread

Nope. The old replays if saved on OSN before the game data server migration are still intact. Any old games NOT saved on OSN are non-existent at the moment. I think OSN saved a copy on their servers....
Spillblood Outwitters 1,142 2,460,387 08-26-2013, 04:47 PM
  Thread: BEING CHEATED? - read this first!
Post: RE: BEING CHEATED? - read this first!

(08-26-2013 07:23 AM)Doodat Wrote:  It's FireAaron08, not FireAaron8 for the iPro player Hope it's not another account for the same player... iPro will get quite the invincible player :angel:
Spillblood Outwitters 366 792,573 08-26-2013, 01:52 PM
  Thread: Bug Report Thread
Post: RE: Bug Report Thread

all old replays are gone. kaput.
Spillblood Outwitters 1,142 2,460,387 08-24-2013, 01:10 PM
  Thread: Good Game clan
Post: RE: Good Game clan

The member list includes MorningFireEater/MorningFireEater. I'm thinking he's (she) married to himself. :P
Spillblood Outwitters 14 35,399 08-20-2013, 12:32 PM
  Thread: Forced to re-install match is broken
Post: RE: Forced to re-install match is broken

Like Magic said, this bug was fixed pretty quickly by Alex. Kudos! If for any reason those games are stuck, well you'll just have to suck it in and endure the sucker punch when the games time out...
Spillblood Outwitters 8 13,777 08-20-2013, 12:30 PM
  Thread: Bug Report Thread
Post: RE: Bug Report Thread

Ya it's irritating. I saved a load of games from before for reference. It's all unplayable now. Lost a few gems too. Wonder if I had saved it on OSN, it would have been salvaged?
Spillblood Outwitters 1,142 2,460,387 08-20-2013, 12:27 PM
  Thread: BEING CHEATED? - read this first!
Post: RE: BEING CHEATED? - read this first!

(08-19-2013 07:09 PM)Norahsul Wrote:  outwitters://viewgame?id=ahRzfm91dHdpdHRlcnNnYW1lLWhyZHIRCxIIR2FtZVJvb20YycH-Aww I think this swagato17 cheated at turn 9 LOL... swagato17 ended the game...
Spillblood Outwitters 366 792,573 08-20-2013, 12:25 PM
  Thread: Game of the Week
Post: RE: Game of the Week

(06-15-2013 03:28 AM)phineas94 Wrote:  Because it was an awesome game outwitters://viewgame?id=ag5vdXR3aXR0ZXJzZ2FtZXIRCxIIR2FtZVJvb20YzYzZAww Really good! But I thought poweewee could have e...
Spillblood Outwitters 24 47,817 08-17-2013, 02:03 PM
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