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Scoring Issue Glitch - Printable Version

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Scoring Issue Glitch - Eire328 - 02-27-2013 03:25 AM

Ugh! It happened yet again...I win a match and I get reward zero and they lose zero. WTF is this all about? I have contacted them several times and I get no response. It's amazing that when I lose, this glitch never happens.

RE: Scoring Issue Glitch - Wildt4lon - 02-27-2013 06:54 AM

I had this before but it was not a prob because I got the points (I had more than before my win) it just didn't show up that I got the points in the game. Maybe that's the case for you?

RE: Scoring Issue Glitch - Eire328 - 02-27-2013 07:34 AM

Could be...I had lost 2 and won 3 matches, including that one within minutes of each other...idk

RE: Scoring Issue Glitch - RandyDogz - 02-27-2013 09:42 AM

Ya, from what I understand this is just a visual bug on the results screen but everything is fine behind the scenes. Has happened to me as well.